Tuition & Fees

For the 2024-2025 school year, Agape Christian Academy’s tuition is $3,600 per student across all grades (K5-12). Additional required fees are $400 per student for books and administration and a one-time $50 non-refundable enrollment fee per student. Students who enroll after August must pay an additional $900 registration fee.

If tuition is paid in full upfront for the entire year, a one-month discount will be applied. Otherwise, tuition can be paid monthly at the following rates: $300 per month for the first child, $250 per month for the second child, and $225 per month for the third child from the same household. Monthly tuition payments run year-round from June to May.

For questions about fees, please contact our school office at 843-846-4835 ext. 2